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37 Movie Reviews

7 w/ Responses

Protected, one of the greats, newgrounds classic

This is really a classic, from B to slow mo to stick to Futurama and back again, this is the single most inclusive visal and musical history of the world we like to call Newgrounds. Excellent work.

Dark-Homsar responds:

brings a tear to my eye, thanks dude

It doesn't suck, the 3d was nice. But give it all.

Come on, give it all too us. Just because some people say that they like it here still doesn't mean that it won't be blammed later on after we see it all. And just because we say we don't like it here now doesn't mean that we won't like the full version. With only 5% shown. Its hard to tell, so just goooooooooooooo for it.

Very good stick violence and some story=protected

Protected. Very nice even saw some slow mo and 3d in there. Nice beginnings of story, and CREATIVITY (past the standard Xiao Xiao stylish) keep up the good work, wanta see the next one.

FUnny at times, even sad in the end with Jason.

I laughed through most of the movie, Duke's scenes were absolutely hilarious, and then in the end I kinda felt bad for Jason and I understood the whole plot. Great movie. Lots of work and it shows.

Powerful and deep imagery made me reminisce.

That was a powerful little story. Beautiful music simple animation but complex thoughts behind it. You really can tell a story and make it good. I thoroughly enjoyed that piece. Kudos to you.

Excellent style, really humorous, that is a keeper

I loved that movie the expressions, the minimal but tastful true flash animation, the Windows, the uniqueness of the voice. That was awesome. Keep up the good work

OakieMeadows responds:

Thank you for the kind remarks...glad some people "get" this. Check ya later

The opening took a while and the running=gay

Seriously cut back a few frames from the beginning, and the running animation was more like prancing.
I did like the music, and the style with teh whole hair thing. Overall nice work, I liked it.

great job, great graphics, forgot it was a movie.

I really got into that, you gotta make more. Absolutely the best.

Badass graphics, but a little skimpy on animation!

Graphics = awesome, animation = sucky,
storyine= decent
good job, oh yeah and the sound was pretty repetitive

Okay movie, but.....Most of all you lack music

Yeah music and decent fighting you lack. Also the samari sword, samaris don't wear headbands, but if thats your style, who am I to criticize. Anyways it was decent, nice enough job to stay for a little while.

Escape Key Compass I make beats by sampling vocals/beats and coming up with dope escape patterns.

Escape Key Compass @escapekeycompass

Age 43, Male

student grad school



Joined on 8/11/03

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