View Profile escapekeycompass

37 Movie Reviews

7 w/ Responses

That was a great improv, good job!

Nice improv it was darn funny. Your portrayal of Regis was great, and i liked the graphics, however there are three reasons why people probably won't like this.
1. The Who wants to be a millionaire stuff is pretty dead now, that was two years ago. Use new material.
2. The voice acting on the microphone could use some background mucis or something.
3. The file size was unhumanly large. Find a way to make it smaller.
Anyways good luck and try to avoid the blaminator

You are protected: Nice movie, nice story

Its to be continued- Thats the only bad thing about it. Otherwise nice story nice plot.
escape key compass

The ending was hilarious= protected (again?)

Yes I admit I normally hate rock music especially in a flash, but it was my last vid I was gonna watch and it went by fairly quickly, really nice adaptation of the story and funny lines kept me glued to the screen-until the ending-wow. Nice job. I would have to say that in all my time here I have not witnessed a more congurent match of song and video. Aplus.
escape key compass

You-Fucking-Cunts responds:

Erm...thanks. I undrestood a lot of that.

Excellent Film, It was very engaging and riveting

I truly enjoyed that masterpiece, and I can't wait to see part two. Specifically I liked the "making if the solution scene" where teh camera changes from vertical to horizontal, (masking I suppose). I also liked your use of the colors for the character's eyes, and the house. The animation was smooth, and the entire concept and storyline worked. Nice A+ Protected.
escape key compass

Too large a file size for this quality

It was great, at first not worth blamming until I saw how lareg a file size it is its friggin huge.
3,801.1KB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????????
Suggestions: 1.) Find a way to compress the file size.
2.) Beef up on your art work. No offense.
3.) Find a way to compress the sound, because I suspect tahts why its so large in the first place.
4.) Resubmit.
Just suggestions from my point of view. Otherwise great piece. (Even though I will blam it now

Too slow for me, next time use a mic /cut the text

Way too slow for me, and it was just... well boring.

Terrible b/c 1.) no sound, 2.)pointlessdeath3.)bad

The poor mole dying because of the sun was absolutely an utter waste of time. And the lack of sound didn't make it any better. Usually on these reviews I comment on something that I like as well as something that I don't like. However in this unique case, only the latter comment applies.

Good feel for an intro to a series, needs <words

Less words are needed (use a mic), the contrast (red text on red background) with the whole concept of reading a whole paragraph kinda turns me off though. If I wanted to read, I would get on the computer or something.
Nice flash though, nice overall feel

Music and more funny would make this better

Liked the style though, Eggplant man, neat concept.

Escape Key Compass I make beats by sampling vocals/beats and coming up with dope escape patterns.

Escape Key Compass @escapekeycompass

Age 43, Male

student grad school



Joined on 8/11/03

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