View Profile escapekeycompass

37 Movie Reviews

7 w/ Responses

I can't wait till you realese that

I can't wait, I like your animation style and great concept.

The graphics in the end were amazing!

The story is excellent and the slow mo 3d effects were amazing. Great job . Eagerly awaiting the next one.

Liked your style as an animator,

This just needs sound, anysound would be better than this. Nice framwork, camera angles and such.

I Break so Im giving you a 5, but the music sucked

I break, so I can relate. Nice style, I didn't see other things like this, anyways keep trying, maybe change the background next time, put powermoves in there or make two sticks that interact.

Lots of inside jokes on this, leaves me out

The inside jokes, now thats understandable, but for a flash song, a black oval is not a mouth! Someti9mes it was not even at mouth level, but around the mouth like a wart or something, also one of the songs wasn't even really finished (and the game was hard to understand), Since there were many though I give you a 4, but give it more work next time.

Nice C64 sprites, however the stry seemd cut short

Despite the crudeness yet comedy of the sprites, and the magical feel of the animation, I am left still wondering, what happens next? Also the zooming in and out slowed down the action. I give you =3

Like the voices and the humour most of all, =6

I really liked teh voices especially the part about the Shuruken, extremely nice, this was decent, I just wish you had a little more interactivity, and a few more weapons, but overall for 24h, quite nice.

Excellent Movie, Nice Characters decent dialog =8

The story was somewhat difficult to understand, but I got the gist of it. Really great graphics, style, nudity, decent voices. That was really enetrtaining, and the last scene , noooo! reverberating sent chills down my spine. Two suggestions, 1) The mic recorded a lot of background noise when you are close, and that made it hard to understand, might tweak that, and 2) MAke more!
bostonsmiles gives you an 8 my friend.

Nice Movie, Absent Story or purpose, very confusin

I liked the style and the randomness, but it did go a little to far, obviously teh authors are talented, just understand that you need to harness that talent and incorprate something with your story with substance. This movie is like eating a chocolate cake, that is very little chocolate and bread, mostly plain grain sugur.

Escape Key Compass I make beats by sampling vocals/beats and coming up with dope escape patterns.

Escape Key Compass @escapekeycompass

Age 43, Male

student grad school



Joined on 8/11/03

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